In its young career Honor By August has already played arena stages, had its music broadcast to millions and won the Grand Prize in Billboard’s World Song Contest.”Now widely considered one of the most promising new talents on the East Coast,” (Washington Post) Honor By August makes music characterized by “distinctive, inviting vocals and anthemic, reverb-drenched guitars” ( and built on “award-winning songwriting, strong vocals, catchy melodies, and dynamic live performance” (Jenni Chase, Washington’s Z104/OnTap Magazine).
“With comparisons to U2, Snow Patrol, Kings of Leon, and Bruce Springsteen…their music is inspired by observations on life, loss, love and hope.” (Los Angeles Magazine)
A fast-growing reputation has helped create opportunities for the band to share up to arena-sized stages with artists including Bon Jovi, Third Eye Blind, Hanson, Peter Frampton, Vertical Horizon, Hootie & the Blowfish, Pat McGee Band, Edwin McCain, Virginia Coalition and many other emerging artists.
While developing a sound of their own, Honor By August won the Grand Prize in the Billboard World Song Contest, as well as an XM Radio contest to play DC’s largest venue, Verizon Center (20,000).
Their music has been broadcast to millions many times over though popular outlets like ESPN, and they have worked with Grammy-winning producers, mixers, and engineers including Jack Joseph Puig (U2, Snow Patrol, Rolling Stones), Paul David Hager (Goo Goo Dolls), Jeff Juliano (John Mayer, Lifehouse, Jason Mraz), Jim Ebert (Butch Walker, Meredith Brooks) Jore Vivo
( Michael Buble) and Toby Wright (Third Eye Blind).Honor By August has played to single crowds as large as 20,000 from arena shows at the Verizon Center, McDonough Arena and Innsbrook Pavilion, to headlining multiple shows at one of the nation’s premier theaters, the 9:30 Club (DC), to performances at notable national venues like the Bowery Ballroom, the Blender Theater, Mercury Lounge and Knitting Factory main stage in NYC, The Roxy and Viper Room in LA, Ram’s Head Live (MD), Middle East main stage (MA), Toad’s Place (VA), Cain’s Ballroom (OK), House of Blues Cleveland (OH) and many, many others across the country.
On the Big Enough Umbrella Project, Honor by August steps into the unplugged world utilizing the Decca Tree recording offering the listener the truest form of the song. We hope you enjoy.